British Students Are Being Priced out of Dutch Universities
High tuition fees are being blamed for a sharp drop of British students applying to Dutch schools reports Nuffic, a Dutch organization promoting internationalization in education.
World Nations Rally to Aid Ukrainian University Students
The worldwide initiative to support Ukraine’s students clearly appears to be more than a reaction to a single catastrophic episode, but recognition that we can’t afford to lose a generation of students and scholars wherever they may be located.
UK Paves New Pathways for International Students
The UK is repolishing its brand as “provider of choice” for the world’s cohort of five million students studying in countries other than their own
Can AI Technologies Free-up Travelers with Pre-existing Conditions?
Thanks to advances in risk-rating technologies, it’s now possible to glean more precise and fruitful information from an applicant’s medical records that would normally have been unattainable.
Travel Insurers Must Learn to Deal with Moving Targets
As the pandemic has taught us, travel cover needs to evolve, expand, become more agile, quicker to respond to moving targets, more responsive to individual needs as well as government mandates, yet still remain accessible to moms and dads taking their kids to the beach.